[1] 国家自然科学基金(22178138),双官能化植物油体系光热双重固化行为及协同聚合机理研究,2022/01-2025/12,60万元;
[2] 国家自然科学基金(21808070),蓖麻油双键紫外光聚合反应机理及其活性调控机制研究,2019/01-2021/12,30万元;
[3] 广东省自然科学基金重点项目(2020b1515120099),生物基紫外光固化材料化学反应调控机制研究,2020/10-2023/09,100万元;
[4] 广州市科技计划项目(201803030003),超亲水超疏油复合膜的制备及其在含油废水处理中的应用研究,2018/01-2020/12,100万元;
[5] 广东省自然科学基金(2018a030310349),蓖麻油双键紫外光聚合反应活性调控机制研究,2018/05-2021/04,10万;
[6] 广东省科技计划项目(2016a010103027),基于超支化羟基丙烯酸树脂的室温自交联水性可剥胶研制,2016/01-2018/12,30万元;
[7] 佛山市科技计划项目(2016ag101695),天然植物油脂的化学转化及其在水性uv固化涂料中的应用,2016/10-2018/09,30万元;
[8] 华南农业大学青年科技人才培育专项基金,不饱和植物油光化学反应调控及其uv固化材料体系的构建,2017/01-2018/12,20万元;
[9] 横向项目(h20210261),印花胶浆用生物基丙烯酸乳液的研究与应用,2021/04-2023/04,20万元;
以第一或通讯作者在acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, journal of cleaner production, solar energy materials and solar cells, industrial crops & products, progress in organic coatings, european polymer journal, polymers, journal of applied polymer science等国内外期刊发表学术论文60余篇,其中sci、ei收录50余篇。
[1] yin jian, xiong yahong, zhou xiaohua, yang zhuohong*, yuan teng*. an efficient halogen-free reactive flame-retardant active diluent for soy-castor oil-based fire safety uv-curable coatings. progress in organic coatings, 2022, 163, 106683. (sci一区top,if=6.206)
[2] huang jinqing, xiong yahong, zhou xiaohua, yang zhuohong, yuan teng*. a novel polyfunctional polyurethane acrylate prepolymer derived from bio-based polyols for uv-curable coatings applications. polymer testing, 2022, 106, 107439. (sci二区top,if=4.931)
[3] liang bin, chen jieyi, guo xiulan, yang zhuohong*, yuan teng*. bio-based organic-inorganic hybrid uv-curable hydrophobic coating prepared from epoxidized vegetable oils. industrial crops & products, 2021, 163, 113331. (sci一区top,if=6.449)
[4] li pengsong, chu zhuangzhuang, chen yanwu, yuan teng*, yang zhuohong*. one-pot and solvent-free synthesis of castor oil-based polyurethane acrylate oligomers for uv-curable coatings applications. progress in organic coatings, 2021, 159, 106398. (sci二区,if=6.206)
[5] chu zhuangzhuang, feng yechang, xie bingqing, yang yu, hu yang, zhou xiaohua*, yuan teng*, yang zhuohong*. bio-based polyfunctional reactive diluent derived from tung oil by thiol-ene click reaction for high bio-content uv-led curable coatings. industrial crops & products, 2021, 159, 113117. (sci一区top,if=6.449)
[6] su yupei, zhang shuting, zhou xiaohua, yang zhuohong*, yuan teng*. a novel multi-functional bio-based reactive diluent derived from cardanol for high bio-content uv-curable coatings application. progress in organic coatings, 2020, 148, 105880. (sci一区top,if=5.161)
[7] su yupei, zhang shuting, chen yanwu, yuan teng*, yang zhuohong*. one-step synthesis of novel renewable multi-functional linseed oil-based acrylate prepolymer and its application in uv-curable coatings. progress in organic coatings, 2020, 148, 105820. (sci一区top,if=5.161)
[8] yuan teng*, yin jian, liu yingling, tu weiping, yang zhuohong*. micro/nanoscale structured superhydrophilic and underwater superoleophobic hybrid-coated mesh for high-efficiency oil/water separation. polymers, 2020, 12(6), 1378. (sci三区,if=4.329)
[9] su yupei, lin hai, zhang shuting, yang zhuohong*, yuan teng*. one-step synthesis of novel renewable vegetable oil-based acrylate prepolymers and their application in uv-curable coatings. polymers, 2020, 12(5), 1165. (sci三区,if=4.329)
[10] feng yechang, chu zhuangzhuang, man limin, hu yang, zhang chaoqun, yuan teng*, yang zhuohong*. fishbone-like polymer from green cationic polymerization of methyl eleostearate as biobased nontoxic pvc plasticizer. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2019, 7(23), 18976-18984. (sci一区top,if=7.632)
[11] liang bin, lu xiang*, li renpu, tu weiping, yang zhuohong*, yuan teng*. solvent-free preparation of bio-based polyethylene glycol/wood flour composites as novel shape-stabilized phase change materials for solar thermal energy storage. solar energy materials and solar cells, 2019, 200, 110037. (sci二区,if=6.984)
[12] man limin, feng yechang, hu yang, yuan teng*, yang zhuohong*. a renewable and multifunctional eco-friendly coating from novel tung oil-based cationic waterborne polyurethane dispersions. journal of cleaner production, 2019, 240, 118341. (sci一区top,if=7.246)
[13] lu xiang, huang jintao, kang benhao, yuan teng*, qu jinping*. bio-based poly (lactic acid)/high-density polyethylene blends as shape-stabilized phase change material for thermal energy storage applications. solar energy materials and solar cells, 2019, 192: 170-178. (sci二区,if=6.984)
[14] liang bin, kuang shaojie, huang jiajian, man limin, yang zhuohong*, yuan teng*. synthesis and characterization of novel renewable tung oil-based uv-curable active monomers and bio-based copolymers. progress in organic coatings, 2019, 129: 116-124. (sci一区top,if=4.469)
[15] feng yechang, man limin, hu yang, chen lu, xie bingqing, zhang chaoqun, yuan teng*, yang zhuohong*. one-pot synthesis of polyurethane-imides with tailored performance from castor and tung oil. progress in organic coatings, 2019, 132: 62-69. (sci一区top,if=4.469)
[16] liang bin, zhao jiong, li gu, huang yuekun, yang zhuohong*, yuan teng*. facile synthesis and characterization of novel multi-functional bio-based acrylate prepolymers derived from tung oil and its application in uv-curable coatings. industrial crops & products, 2019, 138, 111585. (sci一区top,if=4.244)
[17] liang bin, li renpu, zhang chaoqun, yang zhuohong*, yuan teng*. synthesis and characterization of a novel tri-functional bio-based methacrylate prepolymer from castor oil and its application in uv-curable coatings. industrial crops & products, 2019, 135: 170-178.(sci一区top,if=4.244)
[18] man limin, hu yang, feng yechang, zhang chaoqun, yuan teng*, yang zhuohong*. facile synthesis of a novel bio-based methacrylate monomer derived from tung oil and its application for solvent-free thermosetting coatings. industrial crops & products, 2019, 133: 348-356.(sci一区top,if=4.244)
[19] huang jiajian, yuan teng*, yang zhicheng, man limin, hu yang*, yang zhuohong*. uv/thermal dual curing of tung oil-based polymers induced by cationic photoinitiator. progress in organic coatings, 2019, 126: 8-17. (sci一区top,if=4.469)
[20] feng yechang, hu yang, man limin, yuan teng*, zhang chaoqun*, yang zhuohong*. biobased thiol-epoxy shape memory networks from gallic acid and vegetable oils. european polymer journal, 2019, 112: 619-628. (sci二区,if=3.862)
[21] huang jiajian, sun jinyuan, zhang ruoyu, zou ruixuan, liu xiaoping, yang zhuohong*, yuan teng*. improvement of biodegradability of uv-curable adhesives modified by a novel polyurethane acrylate. progress in organic coatings, 2016, 95: 20-25. (sci二区,if=2.858)
[1] 个人荣誉:广东省涂料行业协会青年创新奖;华南农业大学十佳青年科技工作者;华南农业大学卓越青年教师百人计划;第四届全国大学生市政环境类创新实践能力大赛优秀指导教师。
[2] 本人科研奖励:2021年度广东省农业技术推广奖二等奖(排名第1);2020年度广东省农业技术推广奖二等奖(排名第1);2021年第八届广东专利奖优秀奖(排名第1);2021年第一届中国涂料行业专利奖三等奖(排名第1);2020年度中国商业联合会科学技术奖三等奖(排名第1);2020年粤港澳大湾区高价值专利培育布局大赛优秀奖(排名第1);第二届广州市校园高价值专利培育大赛特等奖(排名第1)。
[3] 本人教学获奖:2021年度广东省学位与研究生教育学会优秀教育成果奖(排名第1);2019年华南农业大学教学成果奖二等奖(排名第1);2020年度材料与能源学院教学效果优秀奖三等奖;2019年度材料与能源学院教学效果优秀奖二等奖;2018年度材料与能源学院教学效果优秀奖一等奖;2017年度材料与能源学院教学效果优秀奖三等奖;材料与能源学院第二届青年教师教学观摩大赛三等奖。
[4] 指导研究生获奖:第十三届挑战杯广东大学生创业计划竞赛金奖;2017级研究生梁斌获硕士研究生国家奖学金;2017级研究生梁斌获华南农业大学优秀毕业研究生;2015级研究生黄家健获华南农业大学优秀毕业研究生。尹鉴、刘影灵、林海、黄锦清、吴煌、梁蜂敏,杨晨获2021年研究生学业奖学金一等奖。
[5] 指导本科生获奖:第四届全国大学生市政环境类创新实践能力大赛三等奖;2022年中南地区高校化工原理大赛二等奖;2021年中南地区高校化工原理大赛二等奖;广东第十届大学生材料创新大赛高分子材料赛区三等奖;第六届全国大学生农建环境与能源工程相关专业创新创业竞赛二等奖;广东第九届大学生材料创新大赛总决赛三等奖和高分子材料赛区二等奖;广东第八届大学生材料创新大赛高分子材料赛区三等奖;首届华南地区化工安全与工程实践邀请赛总决赛三等奖和墙报设计三等奖。