
邮箱: xiaoy@scau.edu.cn
通讯地址: 华南农业大学材料与能源学院北楼734
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肖勇,博士,副教授(青年教授),硕士生导师。主要从事生物质碳基材料、碳纳米材料及复合材料的可控制备及性能研究,承担国家自然科学基金、广东省开放实验室基金等项目,迄今已在acs applied materials & interfaces, international journal of hydrogen energy, carbon, materials letters, rsc advances等国际重要学术期刊发表sci论文50多篇。2012年遴选为广东省高等学校“千百十工程”校级培养对象,2014年遴选为“华南农业大学青年骨干教师”,2015年5月被聘为学校青年教授。
2012年9月—2014年12月 华南农业大学 农业生物环境与能源工程 工学博士;
2003年9月—2006年6月 暨南大学 无机化学 理学硕士;
1999年9月—2003年6月 湖南文理学院 化学教育 理学学士
2015年1月— 至今 华南农业大学材料与能源学院工作;
2012年2月—2014年12月 华南农业大学理学院工作;
2006年7月—2012年1月 暨南大学化学系工作
1. 生物质碳基材料的制备及性能研究。利用生物质废弃物为原料制备新型碳材料,并开展电化学及储能等性能方面的系统研究。
2. 碳纳米材料及复合材料的可控制备及性能。在新型碳纳米材料的制备(包括快速热解法、慢速热解法、水热碳化法、原位模板法等)和应用等方面进行了较为系统的研究,并致力于碳纳米材料
1. long, c; zheng, mt; xiao, y*; lei, bf; dong, hw; zhang, hr; hu, h; liu, yl*. amorphous ni-co binary oxide with hierarchical porous structure for electrochemical capacitors. acs applied materials & interfaces, 2015, 7(44), 24419-24429.
2. he, jl; lei, bf; zhang, hr; zheng, mt; dong, hw; zhuang, jl; xiao, y*; liu, yl*. using hydrogen peroxide to mediate through a one-step hydrothermal method for the fast and green synthesis of n-cds. rsc advances, 2015, 5, 95744-95749.
3. xiao, y; dong, hw; lei, bf; qiu, hh; liu, yl*; zheng, mt; ordered mesoporous carbons with fiber- and rod- like morphologies for supercapacitor electrode materials. materials letters, 2015,138, 37-40.
4. xiao, y; dong, hw; long, c; zheng, mt; lei, bf; zhang, hr; liu, yl*. melaleuca bark based porous carbons for hydrogen storage. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2014, 39, 11661-11667.
5. xiao, y; long, c; zheng, mt; dong, hw; lei, bf; zhang, hr; liu, yl*. high-capacity porous carbons prepared by koh activation of activated carbon for supercapacitors. chinese chemistry letters, 2014, 25, 865–868,
6. xiao, y; chen, hb; zheng, mt; dong, hw; lei, bf; liu, yl*. porous carbon with ultrahigh specific surface area derived from biomass rice hull. materials letters, 2014, 116, 185-187.
7. xiao, y; he, wq; gao, c; zheng, mt; lei, bf; liu, xt; liu, yl*. controllable synthesis of hexagonal zno-carbon core-shell microrods and the removal of zno to form hexagonal carbon microtubes. materials chemistry and physics, 2013, 140 (1), 350-356.
8. xiao, y; gao, c; shi, yy; zheng, mt; liu, yl*. synthesis and characterization of porous carbons materials containing quaternary phosphonium salt based on activated carbon. chinese journal of inorganic chemistry, 2012, 6, 1222-1228.
9. xiao, y; liu, yl*; yuan, ds. preparation and characterization of carbon sheets composed of two layer planes. carbon, 2008, 46(3), 559-561.
10. xiao, y; liu, yl*; cheng, lq; yuan, ds; zhang, jx; gu, yl; sun, gh. flower-like carbon materials prepared via a simple solvothermal route. carbon, 2006, 44(8), 1589-1591.
11. xiao, y; liu, yl*; yuan, ds; zhang, jx; mi, yz. synthesis of rod-shaped lani5 alloy via solid reduction method. materials letters, 2006, 60(21-22), 2558-2560.
12. xiao, y; liu, yl*; mi, yz; yuan, ds; zhang, jx; cheng, lq. a simple route to form straw-like carbon microbundles. chemistry letters, 2005, 34 (10), 1422-1423.
13. he, cl; xiao, y; dong, hw; liu, yl*; zheng, mt; xiao, k; liu, xr; zhang, hr; lei, bf; mosaic-structured sno2@c porous microspheres for high-performance supercapacitor electrode materials. electrochimica acta, 2014, 142, 157-166.
14. chen, yh; zheng, mt; xiao, y; dong, hw; zhang, hr; zhuang, jl; hu, h; lei, bf; liu, yl*. a self-quenching-resistant carbon-dot powder with tunable solid-state fluorescence and construction of dual-fluorescence morphologies for white light-emission. advanced materials, 2016, 28,312-318.
15. long, c; zhuang jl; xiao, y; zheng, mt*; hu, h; dong, hw; lei, bf; zhang, hr; liu, yl*. nitrogen-doped porous carbon with an ultrahigh specific surface area for superior performance supercapacitors. journal of power sources, 2016, 310,145-153.
16. liu, xr; zheng, mt; xiao, y; yang, yh; yang, lf; liu, yl*; lei, bf; dong, hw; zhang, hr; fu, hg; microtube bundle carbon derived from paulownia sawdust for hybrid supercapacitor electrodes. acs applied materials & interfaces, 2013, 5, 4667-4677.
17. zheng, mt; liu, yl*; xiao, y; dong, hw; feng, hb; zhang, hr; lei, bf; simple additive-free method to manganese monoxide mesocrystals and their template application for the synthesis of carbon and graphitic hollow octahedrons. acs applied materials & interfaces, 2013, 5, 12561-12570.
18. zheng, mt; zhang, hr; xiao, y; dong, hw; liu, yl*; lei, bf; liu, xt; large-scale synthesis and enhanced hydrogen storage of monodispersed sulfur-doped carbon microspheres by hydro-sulfur-thermal carbonization of starch. materials letters, 2013, 109, 279-282.
19. feng, hb; hu, h; dong, hw; xiao, y; cai, yj; lei, bf; liu, yl*; zheng, mt*. hierarchical structured carbon derived from bagasse wastes: a simple and efficient synthesis route and its improved electrochemical properties for high-performance supercapacitors. journal of power sources, 2016, 302,164-173.
20. feng, hb; zheng, mt; dong, hw; xiao, y; hu, h; sun, zx; long, c; cai, yj; zhao, x; zhang, hr; lei, bf; liu, yl*. three-dimensional honeycomb-like hierarchically structured carbon for high-performance supercapacitors derived from high-ash-content sewage sludge. journal of materials chemistry a, 2015, 3, 15225-15234.
21. liu, xr; zheng, mt; xiao, k; xiao, y; he, cl; dong, hw; lei, bf; liu, yl*; simple, green and high-yield production of single- or few-layer graphene by hydrothermal exfoliation of graphite. nanoscale, 2014, 6, 4598-4603.
22. chen, hb; wang, hb; xue, zp; yang, lf; xiao, y; zheng, mt; lei, bf; liu, yl*; sun, lx*. high hydrogen storage capacity of rice hull based porous carbon, international journal of hydrogen energy, 2012, 37, 18888-18894.
23. zheng, mt; liu, yl*; zhao, s; he, wq; xiao, y. simple shape-controlled synthesis of well-defined carbon hollow structures, inorganic chemistry, 2010, 49, 8674-8683.
24. yang, yh; cui, jh; zheng, mt; hu, cf; tan, sz; xiao, y; yang, q; liu, yl*. one step synthesis amino-functionalized fluorescent carbon nanoparticles by hydrothermal carbonization chitosan, chemical communications, 2012, 48, 380-382.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,碳材料纳米结构的可控制备和性能研究,21371061,2014.01-2017.12,85万,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,季鏻阳离子化多孔碳材料的结构及表面性能研究,20906037,2010.01-2012.12,19万,结题,主持
3. 国家自然科学联合基金项目,杂化孔碳材料的构建和吸附储能及其机理研究,u150120033,2016.01-2019.12,300万,在研,参与
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,农业废弃生物质炭-金属氢化物复合体系的结构调控和储氢机制探索,21401057,2015.01-2017.12,25万,在研,参与
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,溶剂热方法调控长余辉发光材料纳米结构,51372091,2014.01-2017.12,80万,在研,参与
6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,微藻等生物质为原料新型含氮碳纳米材料的制备及性能研究,2121065,2013.01-2015.12,30万,在研,参与
1. 2014年获理学院青年教师教学竞赛二等奖
2. 2014年获理学院青年教师学术论坛三等奖
3. 2013年获理学院青年教师实践教学观摩竞赛三等奖
4. 新型长余辉发光材料的探索、性能及机理,广东省科学技术二等奖,排名第5,2008