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  • 刘英菊-yb体育官方

    发布者:材料与能源学院  发布时间:2018-12-13  浏览次数:4011

















    (2) 2000-2005年,湖南大学分析化学专业(化学/生物传感与化学计量学国家重点实验室)硕博连读,获理学博士学位(导师:姚守拙院士)。


    、工作经历(主要工作简历 主要学术兼职

    (1) 2005.7至今,华南农业大学理学院和材料与能源学院工作;

    (2) 2008.12,副教授;2009.12,应用化学硕士生导师;2013.1,青年教授;2013.12,食品科学博士生导师;2016.1,教授

    (3) 2011.3-2012.3,日本东北大学环境研究科和原子分子材料科学高等研究机构(wpi-aimr)访问学者;

    (4) 曾任广东省化学会分析化学专业委员会副主任现任广东省化学教指委委员


    (2) 生物传感器在环境和食品分析中的应用

    (3) 新型能源催化剂的制备及应用

    (4) 仪器研制



    (1)  yingju liu*, shengsen zhang*. portable dual-modular immunosensor constructed from bimetallic metal-organic-framework heterostructure grafted with enzyme-mimicking label for rosiglitazone detection. advanced functional materials, 2022, 32: 2203244.

    (2) hongzhi liang, shizhang chen, aori qileng, haoran shen, weipeng liu, zhenlin xu, shengsen zhang, yingju liu*. enhanced photothermal activity of nanoconjugated system via covalent organic frameworks as the springboard. small, 2023, 2304720.

    (3) haoran shen, guosheng cui, hongzhi liang, hui yang, mengting chen, zhen-lin xu, weipeng liu,* yingju liu*. dna nanomachine-driven heterogeneous quadratic amplification for sensitive and programmable mirna profiling. analytical chemistry, 2023, 95: in press. (封面论文) 

    (4) jingnan meng, haoran shen, lin luo, xi zeng, juan wang, yingju liu* zhen-lin xu*. engineered dnazyme enables homogeneous detection of cereulide via polychromic fluorescence modality. analytical chemistry, 2023, 95: 14135-14142.

    (5) mengting chen, qiqian qiu, aori qileng, haoran shen, weipeng liu*, yingju liu*. efficient nanozyme-triggered pressure sensor for point-of-care immunoassay: visual sensing and time readout device. analytical chemistry, 2023, 95: 11383-11390.

    (6) hui yang, haoran shen, aori qileng, guosheng cui, ziqing liang, yingju liu*, weipeng liu*. well-aligned track-accelerated tripedal dna walker for photoelectrochemical recognition of dual-mirnas nased on molecular logic gates. analytical chemistry, 2023, 95: 57645772.

    (7) hongzhi liang, aori qileng, haoran shen, yaowei zhou, weipeng liu, hongtao lei, yingju liu*. handheld platform for sensitive rosiglitazone detection: an immunosensor based on time-based readout device. analytical chemistry, 2022, 94: 4294-4302. (封面论文) 

    (8) haoran shen, aori qileng, hui yang, hongzhi liang, hongshuai zhu, yingju liu*, hongtao lei*, weipeng liu*. “dual-signal-on” integrated-type biosensor for portable detection of mirna: cas12a-induced photoelectrochemistry and fluorescence strategy. analytical chemistry, 2021, 93: 11816-11825.   

    (9) yue cai, hongshuai zhu, weichi zhou, ziyin qiu, congcong chen, aori qileng*, kangshun li*, yingju liu*. capsulation of auncs with aie effect into metal-organic framework for the marriage of fluorescence and colorimetric biosensor to detect organophosphorus pesticides. analytical chemistry, 2021, 93: 7275-7282. (高被引论文)

    (10) jie wei, weidan chang, aori qileng, weipeng liu, yue zhang, shiya rong, hongtao lei,  yingju liu*. dual-modal split-type immunosensor for sensitive detection of microcystin-lr: enzyme-induced photoelectrochemistry and colorimetry. analytical chemistry, 2018, 90: 9606-9613.

    (11) mengting chen, aori qileng, hongzhi liang, hongtao lei, weipeng liu, yingju liu*. advances in immunoassay-based strategies for mycotoxin detection in food: from single-mode immunosensors to dual-mode immunosensors. comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety, 2023, 22: 1285-1311.

    (12) aori qileng, shizhang chen, hongzhi liang, haoran shen, mengting chen, weipeng liu, yingju liu*.. bionic structural design of pt nanozymes with the nano-confined effect for the precise recognition of copper ion. chemical engineering journal, 2023, 453: 140769.

    (13) mengting chen, xiaomeng huang, yuxuan chen, yiran cao, shengsen zhang, hongtao lei, weipeng liu*, yingju liu*. shape-specific mof-derived cu@fe-nc with morphology-driven catalytic activity: mimicking peroxidase for the fluorescent- colorimetric immunosignage of ochratoxin. journal of hazardous materials, 2023, 443: 130233.

    (14)  aori qileng, shizhang chen, hongzhi liang, mengting chen, hongtao lei, weipeng liu, yingju liu*. boosting ultralong chemiluminescence for the self-powered time-resolved immunosensor. biosensors and bioelectronics, 2023, 234: 115338

    (15) hongzhi liang, yuqiu liu, aori qileng, haoran shen, weipeng liu, zhenlin xu*, yingju liu*. pei-coated prussian blue nanocubes as a ph-switchable nanozyme: broad-ph-responsive immunoassay for rosiglitazone. biosensors and bioelectronics, 2023, 219: 114797.

    (16)  hongshuai zhu, yue cai, aori qileng, zhu quan, wei zeng, kaiyu he*, yingju liu*. template-assisted cu2o@fe(oh)3 yolk-shell nanocages as biomimetic peroxidase: a multi-colorimetry and ratiometric fluorescence separated-type immunosensor for the detection of ochratoxin a. journal of hazardous materials, 2021, 411: 125090. 

    (17)  mengting chen, zexuan liu, xiaowen zhang, aiqing zhong, weiwei qin, weipeng liu*, yingju liu*. in-situ phosphatizing of cobalt-molybdenum nanosheet arrays on self-supporting rgo/cnts film as efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction. chemical engineering journal, 2021, 422: 130355.

    (18)  jingnan meng, yingju liu, xing shen, juan wang, zeke xu, yu ding, ross c. beier, lin luo, hongtao lei, zhenlin xu. detection of emetic bacillus cereus and the emetic toxin cereulide in food matrices: progress and perspectives. trends in food science & technology, 2022, 123: 322-333.

    (19) guosheng cui, min li, aori qileng, hui yang, mengting chen, weipeng liu*, yingju liu*. cesium-lead-halide perovskite triggered visual platform: disposable paper-based nano-temperature sensor for cold chain transport. journal of material chemistry c, 2023, 11: 10843-10851. (hot paper)


    1) 基于mofs纳米酶介导光热效应的免疫传感构筑及对食品中非法添加剂的识别研究(国家自然科学基金, 2023-2026),主持。

    (2) 基于功能化二硫化钼构筑比率型免疫传感器对赭曲霉毒素广谱性识别的研究(国家自然科学基金, 2019-2022),主持。

    (3) (广东省自然科学基金, 2021-2023),主持。

    (4) 动植物体与环境物质交换传感器研发(广东省重点研发专项, 2019-2022),主要参与

    (5) dna纳米支架调控增敏的有机磷农药残留电化学快检技术研究(浙江省植物有害生物防控重点实验室开放基金, 2019-2020)主持。

    (6) 基于仿生磁性石墨烯构筑球形dna扩增的免疫传感器检测微囊藻毒素的研究(国家自然科学基金,2015-2018),主持。

    (7) 广东省特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才项目(2017-2020),主持。

    (8) 基于多功能的快速检测仪器平台的研制(广东省科技计划项目, 2017-2019),主持。

    (9) 新型仿生磁性纳米材料构筑的生物传感器及其对微囊藻毒素检测的应用(广东省高层次人才项目, 2014-2016)主持。

    (10) 水中环境激素超痕量检测的便携式免疫传感器的研制(广东省科技计划项目, 2014-2016),主持

    (11)  (国家自然科学基金, 2012-2014),主持。

    (12) 水源水中持久性环境有机污染(pops)快速检测研究 (深圳市水质检测中心, 2013- 2015),主持。

    (13) 研制聚合物基纳米生物传感器用于有机酚类对dna的损伤研究 (广东省教育厅青年人才培育项目, 2009-2010),主持。


    (1) 食品危害因子的信号识别、增敏及一体化检测关键技术及应用2022年度中国分析测试协会科学技术奖 caia一等奖,排名第一

    (2) 2006.10入选广东省教育厅千百十人才工程校级培养对象,2012.10入选广东省教育厅千百十人才工程省级培养对象2017.3入选广东省特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才(结题优秀)

    (3) 2008.4,华南农业大学青年教师教学竞赛三等奖,2012.4,华南农业大学青年教师教学竞赛二等奖;2014.9华南农业大学教学十佳2017.11华南农业大学教学优秀奖2019.5,华南农业大学教学名师奖。

    (4) 2011.5,广东省大学生挑战杯一等奖;2013.5,广东省大学生挑战杯一等奖;2012.3,华南地区白云杯材料创新大赛三等奖;2012.5,广东省生化技能大赛三等奖;2013.8,广东省化学实验技能大赛三等奖;2015.5,广东省大学生挑战杯特等奖;2015.11,全国大学生挑战杯三等奖2017.6广东省大学生挑战杯一等奖;2017.11,全国大学生挑战杯三等奖2017.11,广东省材料创新大赛二等奖;2019.5,广东省挑战杯三等奖;2019.11,广东省材料创新大赛三等奖;2020.12,广东省生化技能大赛一等奖;2021.6,广东省挑战杯一等奖。

    (5) 2011至今,指导的研究生均获得校级优秀硕士论文林谋宏获得省级优秀硕士论文,获国家奖学金10余次。指导的研究生林谋宏黄浩量获得国家留学基金委资助公派留学,敖日其冷、蔡跃获省优秀学生。2015,华南农业大学我最喜爱的导师优秀教师。






